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through the world.

Committed to giving back

Over the past fourteen years, we have donated more than 15,000 pieces of furniture to local RMHC Chapters, helped furnish over 150 new and existing Ronald McDonald House and Ronald McDonald Family Room programs across the U.S. and Canada, and extended the RMHC partnership to Australia, New Zealand and Asia. Our long-standing, multi-faceted partnership has provided $7 million in support to ensure RMHC can continue to provide compassionate care and essential resources to children and families being served by leading hospitals worldwide.

Thousands of volunteers have given back through time, talent and resources. This has included delivering and setting up furniture, attending and supporting local Chapter events, sending uplifting words of encouragement to families and staff, and participating in La-Z-Boy’s national volunteer initiatives: Summer of Caring and Season of Caring.

“On behalf of Ronald McDonald House Charities (RMHC), I would like to extend our sincere thanks to La-Z-Boy Incorporated for its long-standing partnership that has helped us provide comfort, compassionate care and kindness to so many families for over a decade.” – Kelly Dolan, President & CEO, RMHC




평일 10:00 ~ 17:30 

점심 12:00 ~ 13:00 ㅣ 휴무 주말/공휴일

상호명 : ㈜지엔지  l  대표자 : 신영신

사업자등록번호 : 211-86-26282

통신판매업신고번호 : 제 2010-경기광주-561

주소 : 경기도 광주시 오포읍 머루숯길 94

이메일 : lzbcomfortcare@gmail.com

전화번호 : 031-719-2844  l  팩스번호 : 031-718-4904

이용약관   l    개인정보 취급방침   l    사업자정보확인

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