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through the world.

Garfield has a ball at Burnley match

Football fans came face to face with the world’s laziest feline when Garfield made a special guest appearance at Burnley FC.

The famous cat headed to Turf Moor to celebrate La-Z-Boy’s collaboration with The Garfield Movie, which is being released in UK cinemas on May 24. As La-Z-Boy UK are currently business partners with the football club, Garfield was keen to visit the ground to greet supporters when Burnley took on Newcastle on May 4.

Fans were able to have their photos taken with the iconic Monday-hating cat in a dedicated area in Burnley’s Fanzone. Free goody bags were handed out to children attending the game and there was an opportunity to take a selfie sitting on a Garfield-themed recliner.

Those who shared their selfies on social media with the hashtag #lazcat will be entered into a prize draw to win their own limited edition La-Z-Cat chair.

There was also an opportunity for supporters to scan a QR code at the ground and enter a prize draw to win a La-Z-Boy prize package worth £3,000.

The special Garfield recliner will also be making appearances at selected cinemas in the UK as part of a touring roadshow. It will be in Showcase Cinemas in Southampton this weekend (May 18 and 19), Derby on May 25 and 26 and at Bluewater on June 1 and 2.




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